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Kōkihi Series – Introduction to business and GST Obligations

An ongoing series of workshops designed to support the capability of Māori pakihi. Topic - Introduction to Business and GST Obligations Guest Speaker - Jamie-Lee Kingi (Kai Tahu, Ngāpuhi) and Bronwyn Jones (Ngāti Hine) Jamie-Lee is the Kaitakawaenga Māori for…

Kōkihi series – What makes a good business plan?

An ongoing series of workshops designed to support the capability of Māori pakihi. Topic – What makes a good business plan? Guest speaker – Naomi Hughes (Ngāti Maniapoto) Naomi is a Managing Director at Aotahi, a company based in Te…

Kokihi Series – Intellectual Property Laws

Toiere are proud to introduce Kōkihi series! An ongoing series of workshops designed to support the capability of Māori pakihi. Topic - Intellectual property laws Guest speaker - Lynell Tuffery Huria (Ngāti Ruanui, Ngā Ruahine) Lynell Tuffery Huria (Ngāti Ruanui,…

Tū Ngātahi

Keen to do some fundraising or raise the profile of your business? Join us at Tū Ngātahi. Tū Ngātahi is a free family event being held in Nelson on February 25 to celebrate the resilience of our rohe over the…

Meri Kirihimete!

Toiere would like to thank everyone for a great year and we look forward to working with you in the new year! We will be closed for the Christmas Holidays from Thursday the 22nd of December and will reopen Monday…

Ngā Taonga ō Te Tauihu

Big mihi to everyone who came along to support our Māori artist at Ngā Taonga ō Te Tauihu. The night was a success and showcased the amazing talent across our rohe. We would like to mihi to our sponsors. These…

Ngā Taonga ō Te Tauihu

Toiere are proud to bring you Ngā Taonga ō Te Tauihu A Toi Māori Exhibition celebrating local Māori artist and bringing together the finest Taonga across our rohe. We look forward to hosting a celebration for the Te Tauihu community…

Toiere Zui Series

Kia ora Whānau!   First and foremost, our condolences to everyone who has been affected by the flooding here in Te Tauihu, especially those who have been evacuated. It is absolutely devastating, and we hope everyone is safe and warm.…

Te Reo and Tikanga 101 with Kiley Nepia!

On Thursday the 14th of July, Kiley travelled to Whakatū to facilitate a Te Reo and Tikanga 101 workshop for Māori Businesses. Our members learnt a karakia to start their business hui, how to introduce themselves and some basic tikanga…

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