An ongoing series of workshops designed to support the capability of Māori Pakihi. Topic -…
Te Tauihu Māori Business Network Hui

Network Hui
Kia ora Koutou!
Te Tauihu Maori Business Network are hosting their first hui for 2021 on Thursday the 28th of October at Pics Peanut Butter world.
Haere mai for a korero with other fellow members and enjoy some light refreshments .
Their will be a guest speaker who will share their knowledge on product development, then join us on a tour through Pics Peanut Butter World commercial kitchen.
Spaces are limited so please do not forget to register. This is a no cost event.
Guest Speaker
Rob Simcic (CEO Little Beauties LTD)
Rob holds a degree in Applied Science from Massey University and is a past executive committee member for Eat New Zealand – a nationwide collective and food movement dedicated to connecting people to the land, through our food and currently serves as chair of Life Education Trust New Zealand – a charity that educates and empowers children to make healthy choices so they can live life to the full.
Rob is a company director specialising in the New Zealand food sector and community wellbeing initiatives. Rob spent over 15 years in ANZ commercial and Agri banking, most recently as a Food and Beverage Sector Specialist. A role dedicated to supporting the sector by connecting people across the food system and developing insights to inspire innovation and investment. He firmly believes in the foundational role the Food and Beverage sector can play in improving social, health, economic and environmental outcomes for our communities via the sharing and implementation of collaborative, innovative and long-term thinking. Today Rob dedicates his time to lead the overall direction and support the Little Beauties team to be the best it can be and produce the worlds finest dried fruit products. He likes pitching in wherever required from doing deliveries, to selling in the marketplace, to financial reports. Rob and the team are on a mission to create the worlds most delightful fruit snacks, bursting with New Zealand Goodness crafted with care and made to share!